Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sh*t Relaxed Girls Say to Natural Girls

We all know that one girl that has the "you NEED a relaxer" mentality. You could be rocking a twist out and it's the and this girl will still ask you "You going out like that?" I swear people like that drive me insane. My hair isn't straight so it's not done. Maybe I don't want to have straight hair so I can look like every other black woman in America. I see so many more perks with my natural hair than what I once had with my relaxed hair. Relaxed you wear it straight blah. I can wear my hair straight but hey girls with curls have more fun. . . maybe maybe not, I'm not sure. I have friends that still have relaxed hair and still to this day why they run from rain. Isn't the hair permanently straightened and if not doesn't just get a little wavy (quick hit with a flatiron should help right). I'm no expert on that so whatever, keep running little ladies I'll just keep strolling on by.

Hello World :)

hello, hola, bonjour, guten tag world! Tis I Jasmine coming to you world. This is my first blog and my first post. As you guys can clearly see by the title or if not I'll just tell you my main focus will be hair. Not just hair in general but naturally curly hair that quite frankly I believe isn't celebrated enough (as least not where I am in these United States). However you lovelies may come across some posts that I will just classify as "other" but thats no biggy right. I didn't think so either. So welcome to A Curly Girl's World we are gonna have so much fun. Wooooooooo!!