Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sh*t Relaxed Girls Say to Natural Girls

We all know that one girl that has the "you NEED a relaxer" mentality. You could be rocking a twist out and it's the and this girl will still ask you "You going out like that?" I swear people like that drive me insane. My hair isn't straight so it's not done. Maybe I don't want to have straight hair so I can look like every other black woman in America. I see so many more perks with my natural hair than what I once had with my relaxed hair. Relaxed you wear it straight blah. I can wear my hair straight but hey girls with curls have more fun. . . maybe maybe not, I'm not sure. I have friends that still have relaxed hair and still to this day why they run from rain. Isn't the hair permanently straightened and if not doesn't just get a little wavy (quick hit with a flatiron should help right). I'm no expert on that so whatever, keep running little ladies I'll just keep strolling on by.

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